Libertarians Participate in Trivia Night in Chemung County

Chemung county partook in a trivia challenge hosted by the ILL-EAGLE Taphouse in Elmira, where the Libertarian Party of Chemung county meet for their monthly business meetings the second Tuesday of every month.

Their trivia event had libertarians show up from upstate New York to Tioga Pennsylvania. Our Chemung county Libertarians won the first round of trivia and placed in 2nd for the second round. Both times the party won prize money that will be going to pizza for the county meeting.

It was a fun time for all the Libertarians involved and everyone got a chance to flex their knowledge in different categories helping the teams win with our diverse personalities and interest. In a crowd of 60+ other people (non-libertarian) the Libertarians gave the crowd a show that us libertarians can not only compete politically, but we also know how to have fun. Getting Libertarians involved in as many community events as possible not only gets our name more recognition (not too mention when we win), it encourages people to get involved, it makes our party a more welcoming environment and it strengthens the bonds we have already made in the party to grow together to be more of a team fighting for liberty.

This was such a success we will be making this a monthly Wednesday meet up at the ILL-EAGLE Taphouse. Follow Chemung county Libertarian Party on Facebook to keep up with our trivia nights and come out to the next one!

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