Updates from the Chair – November 2023

Here is this month’s update on some of the things going on behind the scenes at the Libertarian Party of New York.

State Committee

The next State Committee meeting will be held on Monday, December 4, 2023. We have vacancies remaining on the committee that can be filled at this meeting. We will also be electing our Platform and Credentials Committee representatives for the 2024 Libertarian National Convention at that meeting.

2024 Nominating


The Libertarian Party of New York will hold a nominating convention to choose our placeholder candididates for President and Vice President in the spring of 2024.

Since the Libertarian National Convention will be held at the end of the petitioning period, and so when petitioning begins, it is unknown who the nominee will be, and so a placeholder candidate would need to be selected in order to get a candidate on the ballot. If the Libertarian Party of New York has a successful petitioning drive, the placeholder candidate is able to withdraw in favor of the candidate selected at the Libertarian National Convention.

We will also choose our U.S. Senate candidate. We are looking for bids for the location, in which the Executive Committee is to finalize sometime in December.

2024 National Convention

The 2024 Libertarian National Convention is scheduled for May 23-27, 2024 in Washington, D.C. Delegate numbers are locked in, and New York will have 41 delegate spots. 

If you would like to be a delegate, a form has been sent out for interested individuals to sign up. We will be choosing our delegates in early 2024. Emails will be sent to remind everyone about the form and to apply to be a delegate.

Ballot Access Legislation

Rich Purtell, LPNY 2nd Vice-Chair and Legislative Affairs Director, is leading efforts to get ballot access legislation introduced that would reduce the ballot access thresholds back to the old standards. Contact Rich Purtell at rpurtell@lpny.org if you would like to help with this effort.

Website and Database

Work continues on the website and database, but most of the work has been focused on the database, in which there are a few remaining tasks to complete the migration. 

2024 Campaign

The Petitioning Committee has met and is exploring ideas for a potential statewide petitioning drive in 2024. If you are interested in joining this committee, please reach out. 

Platform Committee

The Platform Committee, chaired by Dan Castello, is currently working on revamping the state platform. When the work is completed, a series of proposals  will be sent to the State Committee for consideration to amend the platform.

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