I went to the polling place to vote for President and only saw Tweedledum and Tweedledummer on the printed ballot. It’s pathetic; the Demopublicans are so anti-choice that they will do whatever they can to protect their monopoly.
So what can we do?
First, of course I wrote Chase Oliver and Mike ter Maat in as my candidates. We won’t win the election, especially in rigged in New York where the entrenched powers will not even give us a seat at the table, but we can still stick our finger in the eye of the oppressor to let them know how much we object to the status quo.
Which gets me to the point of this letter. I have been voting for Libertarians for forty years and an active supporter of the Party for thirty. Was it a wasted effort? I think not.
We are a small sound of sanity in a symphony of statism, and it is important for us to keep at it to prevent the tyrants from imposing even worse big government nanny-state despotism than they already have.
Of course that takes money. Please join me and donate to the Libertarian Party of New York today. You can do it easily on the website at LPNY.org, or snail mail a check to the PO Box below.
Please send a donation today. You will feel so much better than when paying taxes.
Thanks so much!