A vacancy in one of the five At-Large State Committee Member positions is opening up, and the State Committee will fill the vacancy. Anyone interested in filling the vacancy is asked to contact the chair, or you can also fill out the application below. The Chair will review all interested applicants and it will be reported to the October 7, 2018 State Committee meeting. The Chair will review all interested applicants and it will be reported to the October 7, 2018 State Committee meeting. The term to be filled expires at the close of the 2019 Annual Convention, which will likely be held in late April 2019.
LPNY Chair Jim Rosenbeck released the following message to the State Committee:
September 26, 2018
Dear LPNY State Committee Members,
I am writing to inform you that I have accepted with regret the resignation of Ms. Susan Overeem from her position as At-Large Representative to the LPNY State Committee. The State Committee will entertain nominations to fill the remainder of the unexpired term at its October meeting. Interested candidates are asked to forward a letter of candidacy to the chair and submit the same here for the consideration of the committee. At-Large representatives must be members of the LPNY and be prepared to join this group where motions before the committee are often vetted and discussed. Regular participation in online monthly meetings, which are generally held on the first Sunday of each month at 8 p.m. is required.
Jim Rosenbeck
Chair, Libertarian Party of New York
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