Petitioning Begins in April and Other LPNY News

Here are a few updates for the Libertarian Party of New York.


and 2025 Candidates

The independent petitioning period begins on April 15, 2025. We have a few people who have expressed interest in running. If you are running for office this year, please reach out to us so we can help you. All candidates are encouraged to submit campaign news to this newsletter.

Contact Political Director Paul Grindle at if you are interested in running.

New York State Fair

The Executive Committee has been discussing the State Fair in Syracuse this year, but if we have a booth, it will need to be staffed. Volunteer Director Catrina Rocco is currently collecting a list of volunteers. Contact her at if you are interested in helping.

The Liberty Test Podcast

Episodes of the LPNY’s podcast, The Liberty Test, are now up on the LPNY’s YouTube Channel. 

Ballot Access Bills

We do not have any updates on the Senate bill (S01870) or Assembly bill (A02724), which would lower the thresholds for independent candidates. Both have been referred to their respective committees.

The Executive Committee is continuing to work on efforts to pursue ballot access, but we need help from everyone to reach out to your elected representatives and ask them to support these bills.

In-Person Event

The Executive Committee is also discussing holding an in-person event later this year. If you have any ideas or are willing to volunteer to help plan this, please reach out to us. We will present more details on this event as the plans are developed. We will likely hold the event sometime between September and November.

2026 National Convention

Even though it is over a year away, the Executive Committee has discussed collecting a list of those interested in being a Delegate to the 2026 Libertarian National Convention, which will be held in Grand Rapids, Michigan. If you are interested, please contact us at A formal application will be set up in the future. 

We will not know how many delegate seats we will have for this convention, as the numbers will be finalized in January 2026. You can help keep our numbers up and ensure we also maintain a represenative on the National Platform and Credentials Committees by making sure your National membership is up to date.

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