SALT Reduction Cap

The Libertarian Party of New York believes the root cause of the controversy over the SALT deduction cap lies in the overreliance of states like New York on excessive taxation and overspending. The SALT cap simply revealed the inequities that have long existed in our state’s tax structure and reliance on federal subsidies to enable unaccountable government growth.

While we recognize that the cap has impacted taxpayers in high-tax states, including middle-class families, the fundamental issue is not the cap itself but New York State’s burdensome tax policies. Instead of lobbying for higher federal deductions that shift the burden onto taxpayers in other states, New York should focus on reducing taxes and making the state more affordable for its residents.

High taxes in New York drive individuals and businesses to leave for more fiscally responsible states. This exodus erodes our tax base and harms our economy. Instead of blaming the SALT cap, the state must take responsibility and work toward meaningful tax reform, streamlining spending, and prioritizing economic freedom.

The Libertarian Party of New York urges state policymakers to reduce income, property, and corporate taxes. By creating a less oppressive fiscal environment, New York can prosper without relying on federal tax code provisions to subsidize poor fiscal decisions. We stand for liberty, personal responsibility, and the elimination of excessive government intervention—values that must guide any conversation on taxation and spending.

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