Libertarian Youth Caucus Advocates for Youth


The Libertarian Youth Caucus of New York is an organization dedicated to advancing the principles of libertarianism among young people in the state of New York. Founded in 2022 by Charles Taya, the caucus aims to provide a hub and resource net, for young libertarians to network, advocate, and grow in pursuit of their values.

The Libertarian Youth Caucus of New York (LYCNY or LYC) is the New York State affiliate of  The Libertarian Youth Caucus, the official youth wing of the Libertarian Party. The LYC is open to members between the ages of 13 and 30. 

One of the primary goals of the LYC is to promote libertarian ideas and values to the youth via schools and all other social gathering channels across the state. For this task, the caucus organizes campus and city affiliates all over the state for mass outreach to the youth. The caucus also maintains an active online presence. Their social accounts can be found at @NYLYCaucus on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram as well as a discord server at, With these hubs, The Caucus can reach the youth in a more effective manner, and spread its ideals to all.”

In addition to promoting libertarian ideals and values, the LYC aims to support, empower and embolden young libertarians in their political activism. The LYC provides resources to help members develop the skills and knowledge needed to become community organizers and effective advocates for libertarianism and possibly the candidates of Tomorrow.

As the next generation of libertarians and activists mature, the members of the LYC are bound to make an extraordinary impact on the political landscape of The Libertarian Party and New York. 

Mr. Taya himself can be reached at

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