LPNY Elects New Vice Chairs at March Committee Meeting

At the March 3, 2019 State Committee meeting, Tony D’Orazio and Tucker Coburn were elected Vice Chairs, filling the vacancies left by the resignations of Shawn Hannon and Brian Waddell.

D’Orazio was first elected to the State Committee in 2017 as an At Large State Committee member. He also serves as Chair of the Youth Outreach Subcommittee and the Conventions Committee. He ran for U.S. Congress in 2016 in New York’s 25th District as well as for East Rochester Town Justice in 2017.

Since 2017, he has been the Vice Chair of the Monroe County Libertarian Party.

Coburn was first elected to the State Committee in 2018 as an At Large State Committee member. He also serves as Chair of the Candidate Support and Volunteer Subcommittees. In 2018, he worked as the Field Director for the Larry Sharpe for Governor campaign.

As both D’Orazio and Coburn were Vice Chairs, this leaves two vacancies in the At Large State Committee positions, which will be filled at the April 7, 2019 State Committee meeting, and shall serve until the May 2019 State Convention.

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